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 动荷 [dòng hè添加此单词到默认生词本
[力] live load
[力] moving load

  1. 然后,结合路面行驶质量评价标准,分别提出了沥青路面和水泥混凝土路面的动荷系数简化计算公式。
    With the riding quality evaluation criterions, the simplified calculation of dynamic amplification factor for asphalt pavements and concrete pavements are both gained.
  2. 本文在相关联粘塑性流准则和等势面为外凸的条件下,证明了弹--粘塑性体在动荷下解的唯一性。
    The uniqueness of the elasto-viscoplastic body in dynamic problems is proved under the conditions of associated viscoplastic flow rule and of the convexity of equipotential surface.
  3. 为计算波浪载作用下海洋结构物的位移,建立了动荷作用下饱和软粘土残余变形增量模型,并改进了模量软化模型。
    In order to calculate the displacement of ocean structure under wave loads, an analysis method with residual strain increment model of soft clay and the improved soften model is developed.

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