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 动荷载 添加此单词到默认生词本
[航] dynamic load
live load

  1. 动荷载是由于地震力、不稳定的风、冲击波,往复式机器所产生。
    Dynamic loading is produced by seismic forces, non-steady wind, blast, reciprocating machinery.
  2. 高速数字电子计算机的效用日益增长,它开创了一种将地震荷载表示为 动荷载 的趋向。
    The increasing availability of high-speed digital computers has initiated a trend whereby earthquake loads are represented by dynamic loads.
  3. 相对于轨枕式道床,无枕式整体道床道床板直接承受由钢轨传递的动荷载,受力模式发生改变。
    Compared to sleeper-bed, the pattern of load changed that, Monolithic track bed directly under the dynamic load transfer from the rail.

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