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 动触点 [dòng chù diǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] movable contact

  1. 触点闭合后。动触点仍在旋转。
    After the contacts are closed, the movable contact still rotates.
  2. 把所有接头接好供上电,按住面板上TEST按钮,在经过启延迟+跳闸延迟的时间后,面板上红色指示灯会亮并且内部继电器会作动触点
    With connections made and control power on, depress TEST button and hold. Verify the red LED illuminates and the internal relay should switch contacts after the sum of D-Time and O-Time.
  3. 研究了触点分离初速度(动触点与静触点刚刚分离时刻的动触点速度)对电弧能量的影响。
    This paper emphasizes on the influences of arc energy by the contact breakaway initial velocity that is the velocity of moving contact at the time of moving contact and stationary contact breaking.

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