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 分布数 添加此单词到默认生词本
distribution numbers

  1. 它使用随机5生成器通过重复地根据不确定变量的概率分布采样来生成模型的多重情境。
    It typically USES random number 5 generators to generate multiple scenarios of a model by repeatedly sampling values from the probability distributions for the uncertain variables.
  2. 不过,他应付有方,已经研究出一套学模型来解释第二位分布,将统计上的疑异置于更充裕的分析基础上。
    However, he has managed to develop a mathematical model that explains the distribution of the second digits, putting what might appear to be a statistical oddity on a more solid footing.
  3. 他的生活糜烂,有不计其的女友,分布在三个国家的华丽住宅,以及还有一片他打算做成全英最大的落叶林。
    His colorful life includes numerous girlfriends, glamorous houses in three countries and the planting of what he intends to be Britain's biggest deciduous forest.

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