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 分布测度 添加此单词到默认生词本
measure of spread

  1. 将城市物质空间抽象为空间对象,并研究这些空间对象的空间分布测度模型;
    Abstracting the urban material space to be the spatial object. Study on the spatial distributed measurement model of these spatial objects;
  2. 在这个模型下,通过测度变换,可以得到两公司违约时间的联合分布及各自的边际分布,从而可以对违约互换进行定价。
    In this model, the joint distribution and marginal distributions of default times are derived by employing the change of measure, so the fair swap premium of a CDS can be valued.
  3. 本文讨论非线性随机离散系统状态估值问题的测度变换,推得系统的状态对于观测的条件分布律。
    We obtain an explicit formulae for the conditional distribution laws of the state of the dynamical system with respect to the observed data.

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