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 分布梁 添加此单词到默认生词本
spreader beam

  1. 文章论述了在设计中采用钢屋架下弦两节点下悬吊双槽钢作为分布梁避免钢屋架下弦拉弯工作。
    The double groove steel is suspended under the two nodes of bottom chord of steel roof truss to prevent the bottom chord from stretch bending.
  2. 本文通过大型试验的研究,分析板结构截面的剪力滞效应,及翼缘板的有效分布宽度,为设计提供参考。
    In the paper, spear lag of beam plated construction and effective distribution width of flange plate are analysed through model test and research. It provides a reference in design.
  3. 分析了受一对分布式双压电片激励产生弯曲的含裂纹智能的动态特性。
    The smart beams, with cracks driven by a pair of distributed bi-piezoelectric actuators, were analyzed dynamically.

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