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 共析温度 添加此单词到默认生词本
eutectoid temperature

  1. 提高退火温度,尤其是在高于共析温度退火有助于加快块状组织的分解过程。
    With the increase of annealing temperature, the decomposition process of massive microstructure will be accelerated.
  2. 重新加热硬化钢或硬化铸铁至某一温度,低于共析温度下,使硬度降低,韧度增加。
    To reheat hardened steel or hardened cast iron to some temperature below the eutectoid temperature for the purpose of decreasing hardness and increasing toughness.
  3. 块状组织在高于共析温度退火时,组织形态变化较大,组织变得细密均匀,且缺陷已趋于消失。
    The massive microstructure after annealing above the eutectoid temperature changed greatly. The microstructure became more uniform and more fine and the defects within it nearly disappeared.

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