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 共格界面 [gòng gé jiè miàn添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] coherent boundary
[机] coherent interface

  1. 本文用计算机再次模拟了FCC:BCC部分共格界面结构。
    A structural model of FCC:BCC partially coherent interface .
  2. 结果表明氧化铝纤维与硅相之间存在共格界面,可作为硅相非自发形核的衬底;
    The results indicate that there is a coupled interface between alumina fiber and Si phase, and the fiber can serve as propitious sites for the heterogenous nucleation of Si phase.
  3. 结合合金的相变热力学对离散点阵平面(DLP)模型进行了改进,使之能够处理多元置换型合金中诸如马氏体与奥氏体这类化学成分相同而结构不同的两相共格界面能。
    A discrete lattice plane (DLP) model was modified based on thermodynamics to deal with the coherent interfacial energy of fcc/hcp in multi element substitution alloys.

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