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 共析钢 添加此单词到默认生词本
[材] eutectoid steel

  1. 应用电子衍衬技术和扫描电镜等手段,对共析珠光体轨的微观结构和断裂过程,进行了观察和分析。
    The microstructure and fracture process of an eutectoid pearlitic steel have been observation and analysed by means of electron-diffraction-contrast technique and SEM.
  2. 高于此点,由于超过共析完全由珠光体和退火状态的渗碳体组成,硬度增加并不多。
    Above this point the hardness can be increased only slightly, because steels above the eutectoid point are made up entirely of pearlite and cementite in the annealed state.
  3. 应用系统科学的理论和方法,研究了中珠光体共析分解机制,否定了领先相的存在。
    The scientific theory and method are applied to study the pearlitic eutectoid decomposition mechanism in steels and the concept of existence of so-called prevenient phase was negated.

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