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 倍角公式 [bèi jiǎo gōng shì添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] double angle formula
[数] duplication formula

  1. 倍角公式可将该三函数方程转化成一个四次代数方程,然后用求根公式直接求出解析解。
    Double angle formula can transform the circular function equation to a biquadratic algebraic equation, and the analysis solution can be solved by extract equation directly.
  2. 本文主要讲述三倍角公式在高中段数学教学中出现的一些同名三函数连乘积计算中的应用。
    Some high school students always are perplexed and at their wits' end when they do some exercises about the continue product of same kind trigonometric functions.
  3. 利用正、余弦函数的倍角公式,提出了一种原理简单、实施容易的矩阵正、余弦函数的精细积分算法。
    Based on the double angle formula, a method to solve sine and cosine matrix functions by high precision direct integration was put forward.

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