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 倍频程 [bèi pín chéng添加此单词到默认生词本
[声] octave

  1. 率扫描速度应为每分钟1倍频程的耐力曝光20周期的每一个直交的位面。
    The frequency sweep rate shall be 1 octave per minute with an endurance exposure of 20 cycles in each of the orthogonal planes.
  2. 本文阐述了对该振动的测试方法并给出了所测样机振动信号的1/3倍频程加权分析结果。
    In this paper, the measuring method of these vibrations and 1/3 octave weighed analysing results of vibration for the sample machine are presented.
  3. 校准后,倍频程测量结果采取的从声音输出的每个地点的环境和粉红噪音水平聆听每个地点。
    After calibration, octave band measurements were taken at each of the listening locations for ambient and pink noise levels from each of the sound output locations.

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