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 倍频带 [bèi pín dài添加此单词到默认生词本
[声] octave frequency band

  1. 通过有限元计算得到1/3频程频带内的模态数目,确定适合统计能量分析的频率范围。
    Number of modals of the gearbox is acquired by the Finite Element Analysis in the 1/3 octave frequency domain to define the suitable frequency range for SEA.
  2. 扩频通信的射频信号频带宽度,可扩展到信息信号频带宽度的数乃至数千
    The band width of the radio-frequency signal for the spread spectrum communication can be spreaded to several times or even thousands of times the band width of the information signal.
  3. 推导线性谱声压级、倍频带声压级以及各倍频带声压级之间的转换公式,计算出修正值。
    The formulas for the transformation of sound levels between linear spectrum and multiplex frequency band, or among various multiplex frequency bands, are derived and the corrected value is calculated.

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