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 交通费用 添加此单词到默认生词本
transportation fee
transport expense

  1. 这样高昂的交通费用同样也吓跑了一些曾经对中国市场有点儿兴趣的跨国公司。
    The high transportation fees here have also scared off more than a few transnational companies that originally showed interest in the China market.
  2. 大多数萨法利经营商的报价包括从最先住宿地开始直到各个公园的门票,全部食宿和交通费用,还有观看野生动物所需的汽油和司机费用
    Most safari operator price quotes include park entrance fees, full room and board, transport costs from the starting base to the various parks, and the costs of fuel plus a guide for wildlife drives.
  3. 尽管服务和药物一般可免费得到或由政府给与大量补贴,但患者仍抱怨检查、住院和交通费用较高。
    While services and drugs are generally free or highly subsidized, patients complain about the cost of lab exams, hospitalization, and transportation.

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