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 交通限制 添加此单词到默认生词本
[交] traffic limitation

  1. 但她立即又朝市场大街走去,走向奥克塔维亚,那是没有交通限制的高速公路。
    But she took off down Market Street again, toward Octavia, where the freeway spilled out its traffic.
  2. 东南亚国家联盟正在努里建立一种单一的,没有交通限制的航空市场,到2015年将建成。
    ASEAN, the Association of South-East Asian Nations, is working on establishing a single aviation market with no traffic restrictions by 2015.
  3. 自行车和公共交通限制了我们的闲逛,所以我租了一辆车,能够让我们的更加灵活出行。
    Bike riding and mass transit greatly limits our ability to roam, so I rent a car to allow us flexibility.

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