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 交通路线 添加此单词到默认生词本
traffic route

  1. 河面上的冰层十分重要,当地人冬季出行主要就是通过雪车或狗拉雪橇走冰面上的交通路线
    Thin river ice is a significant issue because winter travel is mainly achieved by using the frozen rivers as a transportation route via snow machines or sled dogs.
  2. 然而,可以理解的是,土耳其公开对抗伊朗是非常小心翼翼的,因为伊朗是土耳其天然气的主要来源而且伊朗还是土耳其出口到中亚的重要的交通路线
    Yet Turkey is understandably wary of openly confronting Iran, one of its main sources of natural gas and the primary transit route for Turkish exports to Central Asia.
  3. 军队的不断涌入也许会造成短时期的援助困难,但是一旦打开交通路线就会扭转这种局面。
    The build-up of troops may have caused short-term delays in aid deliveries, but will pay off if they quickly open transport routes without which nothing would reach the needy anyway.

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