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 主翼 [zhǔ yì添加此单词到默认生词本
main wing

  1. 所有的澳洲森林鸭都是灰色翅膀,主翼羽为黑色,还有白色的斑点。
    Both sexes have grey wings with black primaries and a white speculum .
  2. 在端板的内侧是控制前鼻主翼角度的机械装置,(规则)允许车手每圈对其进行一次调整。
    Inside the end plate is the mechanism that will allow the front wing flap to adjust up and down once per lap under the drivers control.
  3. 对比典型的尾布局,鸭式无尾三角布局将水平控制舵面前移到主翼前面而成为鸭
    In contrast to the classical tail-mounted elevators, the “tailless delta-canard” configuration has the horizontal control surfaces moved forward to become a canard in front of the wing.

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