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 主腔 添加此单词到默认生词本
primary chamber

  1. 该振荡器的主腔和调谐活塞采用线胀系数不同的材料进行温度补偿。
    Different material for main cavity and tunable piston of the oscillator are adopted for temperature-compensation.
  2. 根据的解剖特征,每类又分为左室和右室两型。
    Each group could again be divided into left and right ventricular type by the anatomical feature of the primary chamber.
  3. 型材为多孔空主腔内有冷扎钢板制成的内衬钢,用以提高塑钢门窗的强度。
    Profile is poriferous cavity, advocate the liner steel that there is Lengza armor plate to be made inside antrum, in order to increases the strength of window of model steel door.

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