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 主营业务 [zhǔ yíng yè wù添加此单词到默认生词本
main business
primary business
major businesses

  1. 收集、分析与海德鲁公司主营业务相关的市场信息,并开发新的销售机会与客户群;
    Collect and analyze the market information related to the company domain of activity and generate new sales opportunity and contacts.
  2. 公司主营业务为家校信息服务系统。本人工作主要职责为营销策划以及客户关系的维护。
    The company's main business was in the home-campus information service system. My main responsibility was market planning and customer relationship maintenance.
  3. 鲁峰科教器材中心成立于1998年,是以教育教学多媒体为主营业务的专业化高科技公司。
    Lufeng science equipment Centre was established in 1998, a multimedia education and teaching as the main business of specialized high-tech companies.

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