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 丧失警惕 添加此单词到默认生词本
drop one's guard

  1. 我们的国家还有极少数的反革命分子,当然不能对他们丧失警惕
    But of course we must not let down our guard against the handful of counter-revolutionaries who still exist in our country.
  2. 我们对自己的发展充满信心,同时也认识到这不是一件轻而易举的事,不能丧失警惕
    We are optimistic about developing our economy. But we also realize that it will not be easy and that we must not rest on our oars.
  3. 然而他们也时刻谨慎警惕,严防罪性引诱他们丧失对耶稣基督的信心从而失去神的救恩。
    Yet they are cautious and guard against the efforts of the sinful nature to cause them to fall away from faith in Jesus and lose their salvation.

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