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 丧失资格 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 盗亦有道,他创造原则,拥有原则,反对一切条例的典礼——这就是他丧失资格的理由了。
    The cheater too is autonomous: he establishes a law, his own law, against the arbitrary rituals of the rule - this is what disqualifies him.
  2. 若挑战者资格卡未盖检查站的章、未记录时间,或是遗失资格卡(不论参赛者已完成的距离有多长),均以丧失资格论处。
    The organizer has the discretion to determine which option is to be allowed for a given checkpoint.Missing checkpoint stamps, missing checkpoint times, or loss of the brevet card (regardless of how far into the ride a rider is) will result in disqualification.
  3. 克林顿正把希望放在佛罗里达和密歇根州的丧失资格的代表身上,这两个州不计入总票数,因为他们违反党内规定提前举行初选。
    Clinton is pegging her hopes on disqualified delegates from Florida and Michigan, two states not counted in the total because they broke party rules by holding their primaries early.

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