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 丧身 添加此单词到默认生词本
lose one's life

  1. 我宣誓忠于在诺曼底登陆时丧身泥泞杀场的战士,因为有他们我才得以自由。
    I pledge allegiance to the boys who died in the mud at Normandy so I could be free.
  2. 他最要好的朋友有一个兄弟在伊拉克被炸丧身,他花了几个小时去劝慰那个朋友,但劝慰却对他自己也起了作用,目睹的生离死别令他深思。
    His best friend had just lost his brother to a roadside bomb in Iraq. But the hours he spent helping his friend try to make sense of what had happened got him to thinking.
  3. 这个百万富翁超速驾车穿越伦敦城,结果在车祸中丧身
    The millionaire was killed in a car crash after driving at high speed through London.

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