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 三元醇 添加此单词到默认生词本
triatomic alcohol
[有化] trihydric alcohol

  1. 研究了由70 %的二甲苯、不同配比的酸树脂和马来酸酐改性氯化聚丙烯构成的三元体系复配互容情况。
    Compatibility of the ternary built up system consisted of 70% xylene, maleic anhydride grafted chlorinated polypropylene and alkyd resin was investigated.
  2. 利用能量二元相互作用可调参数,新方程可满意地预测三元系汽液相平衡和密度性质。
    The EOS can satisfactorily predict vapor liquid equilibria and densities of ternary alkanolamine systems using these binary interaction adjustable parameters.
  3. 由乙烯、醋酸乙烯酯和乙烯聚醚组成的三元共聚物(WHP)是一种新型高分子表面活性剂型原油降凝剂。
    The terpolymer composed of ethylene, vinyl acetate and polyether of vinyl alcohol is a new surfactant type pour point depressant (WHP) with high molecular weight.

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