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 三分子反应 [sān fēn zǐ fǎn yìng添加此单词到默认生词本
[化学] trimolecular reaction

  1. NO+可以进行电荷转移反应、H-转移反应以及三分子缔合反应等。
    NO+ may react with some reagent molecules through charge transfer, H-transfer, and tri-molecules association reaction and so on.
  2. 研究结果表明此反应首先生成了复合物HO_2-H_2O,而后NO分子再进攻此复合物来完成这个三分子反应
    The result of study indicate that this reaction to generate the first complex HO_2-H_2O, and then the NO molecular re-attack complex to complete the three-molecular reaction.
  3. 采用定性分析的方法,讨论了某类三分子饱和反应系统的极限环存在和不存在的条件。
    This paper is devoted to the qualitative analysis of a differential system for three molecular saturated reaction. The conditions for the existence and nonexistence of limit cycles are obtained.

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