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 三军 [sān jūn添加此单词到默认生词本
the army

  1. 心肺复苏术(2)国家安全概论(3)三军概要(4)国防科技概论(5)护理。
    CPR(2)National Security Generality(3)Synopsis of Armed Force(4)Synopsis of Technology of National Defense(5) Nursing.
  2. 更糟糕的是,有关巴三军情报部门(或至少它的一些官员)同圣战分子合谋的怀疑一直没消除。
    Worse, suspicions that the ISI, or at least some of its officers, are still in cahoots with their jihadist enemies persist.
  3. 虽然在美军三军的金属军衔标志中银贵于金,但在勋章、装饰及它们的附属物方面,金仍然是高于银的。
    Although silver outranks gold in the Armed Forces metal insignia of rank, gold can be considered as outranking silver in medals, decorations, and their appurtenances.

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