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 三体性 [sān tǐ xìng添加此单词到默认生词本
[遗] trisomy

  1. 除了正常染色对以外,还存在有第二种同源染色的非整倍状态,被称为三体性
    An aneuploid state in which a third homologous chromosome is present in addition to the normal autosomal pair is called trisomy.
  2. 异氰酸酯具有热稳定好、黏度和挥发低等特点,在聚氨酯材料制备中得到广泛应用。
    Isocyanate trimers possess characteristics of good thermal stability, lower viscosity, lower volatility and so on, and are widely used in preparation of polyurethane materials.
  3. 三体船具有一系列突出的优点,它优良的快速、耐波和稳等特点为其应用提供了广阔的前景。
    Trimaran has a series of outstanding merits, its excellent performance of speediness, sea-keeping and stability have made it a wide application.

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