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 三体船 添加此单词到默认生词本
[船] triple-hulled vessel

  1. 本论文就是利用较成熟的商业软件FLUENT对处浅水域情况下的三体船周围的粘性流场进行数值模拟。
    In this paper a reliable commercial CFD software FLUENT is introduced to simulate the viscous fluid field around the trimaran sailing in shallow waters.
  2. 公司指望这艘80米双汽油涡轮机驱动的三体船不用燃料补给就能够横穿大西洋,用两天时间航行3千海里(约合5556公里)。
    The company expects that the 80m twin-gas-turbine driven trimaran would be able to cross the Atlantic without re-fuelling, making the 3, 000-mile journey in under two days.
  3. 将铁木辛柯梁理论与迁移矩阵法相结合,运用到三体船水弹性分析中,总结出一个较为理想的分析多体船的方法。
    A relatively ideal method of analyzing multi-hull-ship has been summarized by combining Timoshenko beam theory with transfer matrix method, which will be applied to the hydroelastic analysis.

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