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 滚轮轴 [gǔn lún zhóu添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] roller shaft

  1. 出灰机内注油系统设计:总体原理、分配环设计与关键、空心滚轮轴强度校核等;
    The lubrication system design inside Spiral Conical Dispenser including: the total theory, the key and the design for Dispensing Ring, the strength checkout of the hollow axle and etc;
  2. 轴承径向和轴向的承载能力都比较大,各配件可替换性强。轴承通过调节偏心外六角来调整芯轴位置进而达到调整侧滚轮轴向尺寸的目的。
    With greater axial and radial load rating capacity, good replaceability of components. The shaft can be adjusted through external hexogan then to adjust the axial part dimension.

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