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 滚转角速度 添加此单词到默认生词本
spin rate

  1. 阻力特性中,由副翼偏度及滚转角速度引起的阻力对RSD值起了重大作用。
    The drag caused by the aileron deflection and rolling angular velocity has a strong impact on the value of RSD.
  2. 基于转力矩对滚转角速度的展开,发展了一种基于求解定常流场的转阻尼力矩系数导数计算方法。
    The calculation of aircraft roll-damping moment coefficient derivative was discussed based on steady flow because roll moment is almost linear with roll angular velocity.
  3. 对慢变量进行非线性逆控制器的设计可使飞行员控制飞机慢动力学,即迎角、侧滑角和速度矢量滚转角
    Another nonlinear inversion controller was designed for the slow variables. It allows the pilot to control the slow dynamics, the angle of attack, side-slip angle and the velocity bank angle.

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