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 whips 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. The act of one that whips.
  2. Even when she gives me a twenty-point start, Gill always seems to have the whip hand over me when we play Scrabble.

  1. Police used whips and dogs to disperse hundreds of blacks, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, during mass protests Saturday at two whites-only beaches.
  2. The ground is covered with prickly pear cactus and creosote bushes, the high, spindly ocotillo called buggy whips and the needle-pointed lechuguilla.
  3. In a corner booth at the 77 Lounge in Chadron, Neb., far from any interstate, owner Evva Gore whips out a freight bill to show a visitor just how fast her trucking costs are climbing.
  4. South African police used whips and tear gas to disperse hundreds of students at the University of Cape Town in a crackdown on supporters of a nationwide defiance campaign.
  5. And with the imminent election as an additional weapon in the whips' armoury, it should be easier to deter backbench rebellion. What cannot be allowed is for the present confusion over the law - and the law-breaking which goes with it - to continue.
  6. She staggers over to the stove from her death bed, whips something up, then dies as her husband and children stuff their faces by her side.
  7. A senior colleague is less tactful: 'He is the toughest of us all.' When Mr Ryder took over the whips' office in November 1990, the party's MPs were in disarray. They had just ousted their leader.
  8. "What you have done is to prove that, when the police are not here, when the batons and the (whips) and the tear gas is not around, then there is no violence," he said.
  9. Bob Walker of Pennsylvania and Steve Gunderson of Wisconsin were appointed Wednesday as chief deputy whips for the House Republicans.
  10. In Mitchell's Plain, a mixed-race township near Cape Town, where white riot police used whips and batons on anti-election demonstrators Sept. 5, youths demonstrated in front of the police station without incident.
  11. Instead he appealed for unity. The odds are that the whips will increase the pressure on the rebels and seek to force the pace of the legislation.
  12. He beefed up the strategic-planning group, which sometimes also whips errant divisions into line.
  13. In Atlanta, delegates caucused and convention whips counted heads, all as though there were something still to be settled. There wasn't, but the exercise proceeded as it always does.
  14. They had been growing increasingly angry that on several occasions the government whips had not tried to force a vote on extending the sitting because they were likely to lose. One loyalist said: 'It was nice to have a government win on Maastricht.'
  15. Witnesses said police used tear gas, whips, rubber bullets and birdshot to break up demonstrations.
  16. There is no proof, only tradition, to support claims the marble steps brought to Rome once ascended to Pilate's palace in Jerusalem and that Jesus, bleeding from Roman whips, tread on them.
  17. She voted with 64 other Labour rebels against the third reading of the Maastricht Bill in the Commons on Thursday night in defiance of whips' orders to abstain.
  18. 'We have obtained unprecedented cross-party support.' In an unusual move, Conservative whips have given permission for parliamentary private secretaries, who as part of the government 'payroll vote' normally do not get involved, to sign the motion.
  19. The whips meanwhile were promising what one admitted would be a 'ruthless' campaign to isolate the opponents. But the Tory rebels were cheered by Labour's commitment to fight any government attempt to curtail debate.
  20. On Aug. 19, Tutu recalled, when thousands of blacks tried to get to the Strand beach, police used whips and dogs to drive them away.
  21. Government whips were anxious to end the tenure of the troublesome Mr Nicholas Winterton, Conservative MP for Macclesfield, as chairman of the health committee.
  22. In contrast, police used clubs and whips and arrested 500 people Saturday in Cape Town while breaking up a planned protest march to Parliament.
  23. I find that unbelievable.' Asked whether the whips had been lying, Mr Devlin responded: 'Yes.' Mr Devlin said Sir Nicholas had tried to persuade him to remain and fight his corner in the government.
  24. The Marines I used to know were about as ruthlessly bullheaded and foulmouthed a collection of juvenile delinquents and intellectual malcontents as could be assembled without cages, whips and chairs.
  25. With the government whips behind it, it will almost certainly get through at some point.
  26. Police said they arrested 67 whites armed with whips and other weapons who tried to disrupt a legal march by black teachers in the central town of Welkom.
  27. The whips said the attorney general had been kept informed of Mr Devlin's dismissal and had accepted their judgment.
  28. Meanwhile, police used dogs, whips and batons to break up protest rallies in Durban and Cape Town, witnesses said, while a march to a police station in the rural Orange Free State was allowed.
  29. The document also cites reports by Moslem activists of beatings with cables and whips, burnings with cigarettes, and other forms of torture.
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