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 whipsaw   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    1. a saw with handles at both ends; intended for use by two people

    2. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. victimize, especially in gambling or negotiations

    2. <verb.social>
    3. saw with a whipsaw

    4. <verb.contact>

    Whipsaw \Whip"saw`\, n.
    1. A saw for dividing timber lengthwise, usually set in a
    frame, and worked by two persons; also, a fret saw.

    2. A kind of narrow ripsaw, tapering from butt to point, with
    hook teeth and averaging from 5 to 71/2 feet in length,
    used by one or two men.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    Whipsaw \Whip"saw`\, v. t.
    1. To saw with the whipsaw.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    2. To defeat in, or cause to lose, two different bets at the
    same turn or in one play, as a player at faro who has made
    two bets at the same time, one that a card will lose and
    another that a different card will win; hence, to defeat
    in spite of every effort.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    3. to cause to suffer a setback or losses by subjecting to
    two forces at the same time or in rapid succession; as,
    consumers were whipsawed by both inflation and higher
    sales taxes.

    4. (Finance) to cause to suffer a series of losses in trading
    when buying and selling at the wrong times in a rapidly
    fluctuating market; -- especially used when an attempt is
    made, by selling short, to recover losses from a long
    purchase in a declining market, and the short sale also
    results in a loss when the market subsequently rises. Used
    mostly in the passive; as, to be whipsawed by exaggerated
    responses to a changing outlook.

    1. Yet a renewed oil crisis would whipsaw prices much faster than before, oil analysts say.
    2. The heavy trading volume and whipsaw action recalled the drought summer of 1988, when soybean prices swung wildly after each new bit of weather data, said Jerry Zusel, manager of Balfour Maclaine Corp.'s floor operations at the Board of Trade.
    3. Political and currency gyrations can whipsaw the funds.
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