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 wallet ['wɒlit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 皮夹

[法] 皮包, 皮夹, 钱袋

    [ noun ]
    a pocket-size case for holding papers and paper money

    Wallet \Wal"let\, n. [OE. walet, probably the same word as OE.
    watel a bag. See {Wattle}.]
    1. A bag or sack for carrying about the person, as a bag for
    carrying the necessaries for a journey; a knapsack; a
    beggar's receptacle for charity; a peddler's pack.

    [His hood] was trussed up in his walet. --Chaucer.

    2. A pocketbook for keeping money about the person.

    3. Anything protuberant and swagging. ``Wallets of flesh.''

    1. The airplane enthusiast was riding a bicycle after renewing his membership at the Experimental Aircraft Association Tuesday when he lost his wallet.
    2. Wrap your wallet in rubber bands _ that makes it much harder to slip out of the pocket, suggests the American Express Company.
    3. They trust us to do the screening." Take a long-range perspective on America, as most highly successful investors do, and you might develop not just a less frantic view of the future but a fatter wallet too.
    4. Most men carry a wallet in their back pocket.
    5. "The question is not whether America has enough wallet, but whether it has the will to use its abundant wealth to solve the problems that it faces," wrote Henry Aaron, a senior economist with the liberal research organization.
    6. Open the wallet of Louis B. Jones and you'll find a California driver's license, a slip of yellow paper, scribbled messages and a counterfeit $20 bill.
    7. U-Haul International has a message for its smokers and couch potatoes: Start leading a healthier lifestyle or get lighter in the wallet.
    8. Morales was not the only one armed that night, police said. Emiliano Fernandez, 18, allegedly used a box cutter to slice the pants pocket of Watkins' father and steal his wallet, which contained $200.
    9. He demanded money and got keys and jewelry, but then opened fire after demanding Stuart's wallet, police said.
    10. George Bush mocked Michael Dukakis as the governor of "Taxachusetts' on Tuesday and told business executives his Democratic rival would pay for federal programs by reaching "right for the wallet" and taking their money.
    11. Fredette's watch and wallet were not taken by the assailants, police said.
    12. Media consultants say ART and MBC are spending at least Dollars 200m each on their projects. Mr Ibn Abdallah has loftier ambitions, a more liberal mindset and a fatter wallet.
    13. I've found your wallet."
    14. Even though a slowing overall economy has helped curb some inflation, price rises in the service sector, spurred by higher wages, skyrocketing insurance costs and other factors, are leaving no American wallet untouched.
    15. Whenever I hear the words "rights" and "refunding" in the same sentence, I check to see if my wallet is still in my pocket.
    16. "Every time someone says, 'I'm just a country boy,' I check my money, button my pockets and give my wallet to my secretary," says Rothschild's Mr. Pirie.
    17. The opposition today is led by highly organized consumer groups and advocates such as Ralph Nader, who called the latest recommendations "a salary grab." But Cederberg and others say winning in Washington takes a toll on the wallet.
    18. One handed Bruskin his wallet, discarded after the teen-agers stripped it of $115. But the two officers, joined within minutes by at least eight others, never questioned the witnesses, Bruskin said.
    19. In addition to his own driver's license, credit cards and bank cards, a second wallet contained identification for Cords, also 58.
    20. They were always small hardbacks, decorative and unlikely to burn a hole in your wallet.
    21. He was having family problems, a rope was missing from his garage, and his car was found with the key in the ignition and his wallet on the seat.
    22. Moreover, it is firmly established that absent fighters can stir the wallet of J.Q. Public as well as make his heart grow fonder.
    23. In London, an exiled Iraqi dentist named Bayan al-Hakim always carries in his wallet a dogeared card.
    24. Strangers passed the hat and raised nearly $100 for two boys who returned a lost wallet containing $2,000 and received only a $1 reward from the wallet's owner.
    25. Strangers passed the hat and raised nearly $100 for two boys who returned a lost wallet containing $2,000 and received only a $1 reward from the wallet's owner.
    26. But in our view that means keeping your hand on your wallet," said Elliott Abrams, assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs.
    27. Three Central High School students were helping their French teacher clean out a closet Friday when one of the students, Arvis Owens, found a torn, fake-alligator-skin green wallet.
    28. The coach digs into his wallet to keep his players fed. The basketballs don't have the bounce they once did, and no one can afford to replace them.
    29. Investigators initially discounted robbery as a motive because the officer's wallet, gun and shield were not taken.
    30. Poor typing led to the arrest of a patrolman on charges he stole $140 from a wallet stored in the police property room, the chief said.
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