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 Wallis ['wɔlis]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Today's highlight in history: In 1936, Britain's King Edward VIII abdicated in order to marry American divorcee Wallis Warfield Simpson.
    2. Nearly 60 years have flown by since the abdication of Edward VIII was forced upon him when he declared his intention of marrying Mrs Wallis Simpson, the American divorcee.
    3. Wallis was untutored, natural perhaps, but not primitive. Yet it was clearly a sense of otherness that set Wallis apart even from his own community in his lonely old age as a widower.
    4. Wallis was untutored, natural perhaps, but not primitive. Yet it was clearly a sense of otherness that set Wallis apart even from his own community in his lonely old age as a widower.
    5. Mr Stuart Wallis, who is giving up the blue-chip comfort of Bowater, must reason that Fisons' troubles are now behind it.
    6. In 1937, the Duke of Windsor, who had abdicated the British throne, married Wallis Warfield Simpson in a civil ceremony in Monts, France.
    7. "They thought his agenda was quaint and odd," says W. Allen Wallis, the U.S. undersecretary of state who is the chief American summit planner.
    8. No one then dreamed that King Edward VIII would abdicate in 1936 to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson, and that his younger brother, bashful, stuttering Albert, would become King George VI.
    9. But the lawsuit's amendment did appear to open the door to the constitutional question, said Al Wallis, city assistant corporation counsel.
    10. Because of the disgrace surrounding the abdication in 1936 of the queen's uncle King Edward VIII, later the Duke of Windsor, in order to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson, the queen has said she will never abdicate the throne.
    11. No extra discounts. Sears (Selfridges, Miss Selfridge, Warehouse, Wallis, Richards; lots of shoe shops including Dolcis and Saxone; Olympus sports shops; Adams childrens wear etc).
    12. If a bid seems less likely as Mr Wallis gets to grips with the business, the shares will be running to stand still.
    13. This kite flying operation to get a quick consent should not be allowed to go any further without serious consideration of a less intensive mixed development with the Wallis Gilbert Tower at its heart.
    14. The private collection of late movie producer Hal B. Wallis, including two Monets, will be auctioned next week.
    15. However, the difficulty in assessing Wallis now relates not to price or value but to critical status.
    16. Michael Wallis has retired from METSEC.
    17. Mr Wallis was arrested in December 1992 during a sting operation while passing information to and accepting Kcs100,000 from Mr Viktor Kozeny, head of Harvard Capital & Consulting (HC&C), who had informed the secret police.
    18. Most of them aren't really very interested in economics anyhow, Wallis said.
    19. This Sir Toby Belch (Bill Wallis) does not belch.
    20. The price (from Woolley & Wallis) is Pounds 89,500. In 1907, John Courage - of the brewing family - built Bransgore House, on the south-western edge of the New Forest in Hampshire, as a wedding present for his daughter.
    21. Wallis is better known as the author, broadcaster and style guru Peter York, who coined the famous term Sloane Ranger.
    22. We haven't done this before," Wallis said, explaining that while summit planners have attempted to make time for such a topic before, it has never been accomplished.
    23. He fired off a letter to Wallis, pointing out that he had got all his sums wrong.
    24. She also worked with dialect coach Robert Easton for her roles as Wallis Simpson and Maria Callas.
    25. They were passed on to Ellen Wallis who ran a discreet second-hand dress service.
    26. God make it come quickly and bless WE (Wallis and Edward) this year and always!" The letters were published after the Duchess of Windsor died in 1986 because she wanted to correct the impression that she had lured the king from his throne.
    27. Edward abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson, a divorced American commoner.
    28. Ms. Roen was uninjured and none of the passengers around Wallis was hurt, Arreola said.
    29. After the incident, Wallis left her business card in Russell's front door and he called her later in the day.
    30. Besides his wife, Leonore, Annenberg's immediate family includes a daughter, Wallis, and five elderly sisters.
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