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 valedictory [,væli'diktәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 告别的

n. 告别辞

    [ noun ]
    1. a farewell oration (especially one delivered during graduation exercises by an outstanding member of a graduating class)

    2. <noun.communication>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to an occasion or expression of farewell

    2. <adj.pert>
      a valedictory address
      valedictory praise for his uniformly manly course
      a suitable valedictory gesture
    3. of a speech expressing leave-taking

    4. <adj.all>
      a valedictory address

    Valedictory \Val`e*dic"to*ry\, a.
    Bidding farewell; suitable or designed for an occasion of
    leave-taking; as, a valedictory oration.

    Valedictory \Val`e*dic"to*ry\, n.; pl. {Valedictories}.
    A valedictory oration or address spoken at commencement in
    American colleges or seminaries by one of the graduating
    class, usually by the leading scholar.

    1. Most remarked on it in their valedictory news conferences.
    2. In his valedictory letter to the foreign office from Paris he wrote of how Britain's relative economic and industrial decline was bound to hamper the country's diplomacy.
    3. On the reflective side, Mr Dwight Eisenhower, who came to the office from the army, surprised many with his valedictory warnings about the dangerous growth of a military-industrial complex in the US.
    4. American officials are trying to use the session, President Reagan's last, as kind of a valedictory for his economic policies.
    5. Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan's governor, Mr Yasushi Mieno, who retires next month, has been giving the economy a valedictory twist of the monetary screw.
    6. For his part, Jackson lavished praise on Dukakis even more generously than he had in his campaign valedictory to the convention Tuesday night.
    7. His valedictory sentiments ring hollow, making the novel not quite as lucid or powerful as its urgent subject requires.
    8. At a valedictory campaign news conference in Boston, Dukakis congratulated the president-elect on a "decisive victory" but said he doubted the nation's new leader could claim a mandate.
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