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 valence ['veilәns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 原子价

[化] 化合价; 原子价

[医] 效价; 价(化合价,原子价)

    [ noun ]
    1. (biology) a relative capacity to unite or react or interact as with antigens or a biological substrate

    2. <noun.attribute>
    3. (chemistry) a property of atoms or radicals; their combining power given in terms of the number of hydrogen atoms (or the equivalent)

    4. <noun.attribute>

    Valence \Va"lence\, n. [From L. valens, -entis, p. pr. of valere
    to have power, to be strong. See {Valiant}.] (Chem.)
    The degree of combining power of an atom (or radical) as
    shown by the number of atoms of hydrogen (or of other monads,
    as chlorine, sodium, etc.) with which it will combine, or for
    which it can be substituted, or with which it can be
    compared; thus, an atom of hydrogen is a monad, and has a
    valence of one; the atoms of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon are
    respectively dyads, triads, and tetrads, and have a valence
    respectively of two, three, and four.

    Note: The valence of certain elements varies in different
    compounds. Valence in degree may extend as high as
    seven or eight, as in the cases of iodine and osmium
    respectively. The doctrine of valence has been of
    fundamental importance in distinguishing the
    equivalence from the atomic weight, and is an essential
    factor in explaining the chemical structures of

    Valance \Val"ance\, n. [Perhaps fr. OF. avalant descending,
    hanging down, p. pr. of avaler to go down, let down, descent
    (cf. {Avalanche}); but probably from the town of Valence in
    1. Hanging drapery for a bed, couch, window, or the like,
    especially that which hangs around a bedstead, from the
    bed to the floor. [Written also {valence}.]

    Valance of Venice gold in needlework. --Shak.

    2. The drooping edging of the lid of a trunk. which covers
    the joint when the lid is closed.

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