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 unwound [,ʌn'waund]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 未卷绕的, 未上发条的, 松散的

    1. The teen-agers also unwound fire hoses, emptied all the fire extinguishers, pulled smoke detectors from walls and broke the fire alarm system, and fire officials decided to close the hotel until the fire protection system could be repaired.
    2. In the US, Europe and Japan, ambitious attempts to align national political priorities with international commitments are being unwound in favour of more modest attempts to put the domestic economic house in order. This shift is most pronounced in the US.
    3. And once Dick unwound after three months of relaxation, he decided to tell others about Hot Springs.
    4. But these speculators unwound that trade after Mr. Brady's comments hit the newswires by selling 10-year notes and buying 30-year bonds.
    5. "Things have come unwound very quickly," says Alfred G. Mazzorana, a bond analyst at UBS Securities Inc. in New York.
    6. They said these trades are likely to be unwound at expiration, which would depress the market as traders sold the stocks they held as part of their arbitrage positions.
    7. Dealers have become convinced of the merits of a Clinton victory to such an extent that, if he loses, some bullish positions will have to be unwound. Moreover, a Bush victory would probably change little in US economic policy in the short-term.
    8. The dollar also eased on "natural liquidation" as participants unwound long dollar positions taken ahead of last Sunday's meeting of the Group of Seven industrial countries, Mr. Hatzopoulos said.
    9. Some traders said action related to today's "triple witching" expiration of options and futures also helped to depress some Nasdaq stocks as investors unwound positions related to options tied to individual stocks and stock indexes.
    10. Mr Gerry Murphy, Greencore's chief executive, said: 'The placing does not need to be unwound.' After taking legal advice Mr Murphy said contracts with institutions agreeing to buy shares in the placing were 'legally enforceable'.
    11. Police searched the surrendering militants, including one woman, and removed and unwound the turbans worn by devout male Sikhs, who do not cut their hair and coil it in a knot under the headgear.
    12. He also unwound short, or selling, Treasury-note positions near the close of Black Monday, and profited from the surge in bond prices the next day.
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