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 untrained [,ʌn'treind]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 未经训练的

    [ adj ]
    not disciplined or conditioned or made adept by training
    an untrained voiceuntrained troops
    young minds untrained in the habit of concentration

    Untrained \Un*trained"\, a.
    1. Not trained. --Shak.

    2. Not trainable; indocile. [Obs.] --Herbert.

    1. To the untrained eye, the corner site near the south end of Southwark Bridge looks like a deep hole with the remains of concrete pillars and rows of bricks.
    2. "No longer will we put up with public officials putting guns in the hands of people untrained to our needs," said Theo Bolden, a junior at Teaneck High School, speaking at Pannell's funeral at a Baptist church in Englewood.
    3. Politically correct, Yoof-orientated, it made such inroads into the educational system that barely-trained (or untrained) young people were able to attend schools and colleges and emerge at the end of their studies as 'dancers' and 'choreographers'.
    4. They said some bombs, such as one that exploded in a bar frequented only by blacks, may have been left by untrained activists.
    5. Sherman called Ms. Lopes' response admirable but cautioned against untrained people performing CPR on animals.
    6. During the negotiations with the attendants union, Icahn said it would be easy for him to find young, untrained women to be stewardesses for less than he was paying the attendants.
    7. This is already producing serious and potentially inflationary skilled-labor shortages in many sectors of our economy, even as it leaves out the untrained underclass.
    8. Companies also are trying to wrest customer service from low-level, untrained personnel.
    9. Hansen, speaking at a news conference in Copenhagen, insisted the vessel was safe, but he refused to discuss the reports that alarms had not worked on the ferry and that the crew was untrained.
    10. The Border Security Force has nothing to match the AK-47, whose firepower and light weight make it an ideal weapon for untrained gunmen.
    11. But the law was ineffective, partly because it didn't specify who should do the checking, so many schools used untrained personnel.
    12. "I do not think it is conducive to good medical benefit to have in this carnival-like atmosphere untrained people engaging in a procedure which has some risk to public health from infection," he told a House subcommittee.
    13. But when they were allowed to mingle with untrained cattle that ate larkspur, the trained cows started eating it too.
    14. Ninety minutes of the Brazilian martial art called capoeira, which to the untrained eye looks like breakdancing with violence.
    15. But some environmental groups say contact with untrained people could be dangerous and that too little is known about the transmission of diseases and effects on the dolphins' natural bahavior.
    16. He has made similar threats before, but his army of mainly untrained peasant youths, who have overrun most of Liberia, has been bogged down on Monrovia's outskirts for nearly three months.
    17. Powerful tranquilizers with potentially dangerous side effects are being widely given to elderly people in rest homes, often by untrained aides without medical supervision, a study concludes.
    18. He's also a very great gentleman." Dunaway, who has played opposite such seasoned thespians as Warren Beatty and William Holden, relished the opportunity to work with an untrained actor such as Eberts.
    19. Taylor's force has been estimated at as many as 15,000 troops, but most are untrained teen-agers.
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