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 underspend 添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. , vi. 花费少,少花掉

    [ verb ]
    1. spend less than the whole of (a budget, for example)

    2. <verb.possession>
    3. spend at less than the normal rate

    4. <verb.possession>

    Underspend \Un`der*spend"\, v. t.
    To spend less than.

    1. When we underspend the budget, there is usually silence in the media. In 1994 we shall underspend the budget on agriculture by about Pounds 2.7bn. Second, the European Commission is a lean machine.
    2. When we underspend the budget, there is usually silence in the media. In 1994 we shall underspend the budget on agriculture by about Pounds 2.7bn. Second, the European Commission is a lean machine.
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