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 undersea ['ʌndәsi:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 海面下的

ad. 在海面下

    [ adj ]
    beneath the surface of the sea

    1. "We like to think of ourselves as the Mel Fisher of the oil patch," said Western Chairman Steven S. McGuire, referring to the celebrated undersea treasure hunter.
    2. The two companies are inviting other international telecommunications carriers to participate in the planning, construction and operation of the new high-capacity cable, expected to be the largest undersea telecommunication line ever constructed.
    3. Judge Harold Greene, who oversees the decree, granted the waiver request and gave the Baby Bells permission to own minority stakes in international satellite and undersea cables.
    4. Robert Ballard, the oceanographer in charge of the $7 million Jason project, found the first known undersea vents near the Galapagos Islands in the eastern Pacific in 1976.
    5. In Japan, there are first-class and ordinary rail passes _ and a new undersea tunnel, more than 33 miles, linking the main island of Honshu with Hokkaido to the north.
    6. Global Crossing also has projects underway to construct undersea optical fiber communication systems interconnecting Asia and Latin America to the U.S. and Europe.
    7. This summer a consortium of US and European operators ordered a new undersea fibre-optic system from AT&T and STC Submarine Systems, the UK-based supplier.
    8. The tunnel, which will link France and Britain by a twin-tube undersea rail tunnel, is scheduled to be built by 1993.
    9. AT&T said it and Japan's KDD Submarine Cable Systems had been awarded a Dollars 323m contract to install part of an undersea multinational fibre-optic cable.
    10. As is typical with international undersea cables, AT&T will construct and lay the cable.
    11. Intelsat provides 20 of the 32 circuits; the other 12 are handled by underground and undersea cables owned by AT&T and numerous foreign telecommunications authorities.
    12. Members of the Appropriations subcommittee on defense, which recommended cutting the program, said two successive failures in undersea test firings prompted the panel's action.
    13. The undersea system apparently is less resistant to U.S. eavesdropping.
    14. In August, the Trident 2 had its second successive failure in undersea test firings, exploding seconds after being launched from a nuclear submarine off the coast of Florida.
    15. It is the first major undersea fiber-optic phone cable.
    16. French undersea explorer Jacques Cousteau has floated a whale over Paris to promote his new Museum of the Sea, due to open July 11 in Paris' Les Halles district.
    17. In 1974, Alvin joined Project FAMOUS, a French-American undersea study and collected the first-ever photographs and samples of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
    18. Tony Ridley, who resigned as London transport chief because of a disastrous subway fire, was chosen Wednesday as joint managing director by the consortium building an undersea rail link between England and France.
    19. Last January, Eastport International Inc., a small defense contractor in Upper Marlboro, Md., was using an undersea robot to seek a sunken ship in the Indian Ocean.
    20. A massive undersea earthquake was recorded today north of Australia's Macquarie Island near New Zealand, officials said.
    21. Huge amounts of beach sand were quarried, depleting the protective layer over the undersea sites.
    22. The traffic is carried on 32 circuits by undersea cable and land lines, as well as the Intelsat satellite consortium.
    23. Passengers packed into trains and traveled under ground and sea to the island of Hokkaido on Sunday as the world's longest undersea tunnel opened to rail service.
    24. It is his combination of modesty and matter-of-factness, say those who know him, that make Mr. Lemley a good choice to deal with the complexities of the project, which already has been troubled by fractures in the undersea rock.
    25. The mud accumulates until the slope becomes too steep, collapsing in a sudden undersea landslide called a turbidity current.
    26. The Trident 2 missile suffered two successive failures in undersea test firings one month before the committee action.
    27. The earthquake that walloped Northern California in October triggered a four-foot-high tsunami, a huge undersea landslide and a feeding frenzy by fish in Monterey Bay, scientists say.
    28. Under the proposal, AT&T and the Soviets would continue to use Intelsat for some circuits and would split future increases in demand for circuits among undersea cables, Intelsat satellites and Intersputnik satellites.
    29. Pan European Crossing will extend the company's high-capacity, undersea global network to major European commercial centers, meeting the growing demand for global Internet and communications connectivity.
    30. On July 13, an undersea volcano erupted off the Ito coast, creating a mound 82 feet high, according to the Maritime Safety Agency, Japan's coast guard.
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