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 undersecretary   添加此单词到默认生词本
次长, 副部长

    [ noun ]
    a secretary immediately subordinate to the head of a department of government

    Undersecretary \Un`der*sec"re*ta*ry\, n.
    A secretary who is subordinate to the chief secretary; an
    assistant secretary; as, an undersecretary of the Treasury.

    1. "We're still working on how to implement what the president said," Charles Kolb, deputy undersecretary of the U.S. Department of Education, said in an interview Monday.
    2. George Gould, Treasury undersecretary for finance, told the House Banking Committee that lack of political support forced abandonment of efforts for the insurance and real estate powers.
    3. "We expect that late 1992 should mark the beginning of a growth period for the auto industry that should last through 1996," said Michael Farren, the department's undersecretary for international trade.
    4. Someone had the bright idea of a debate between two academic eminences, and happened to mention it to the then undersecretary of the treasury.
    5. Greek government spokesman Prokopis Pavlopoulos said Turkey's assistant foreign undersecretary, Hussein Celem, assured the Greek ambassador the sandbags would be removed immediately.
    6. The president also said he has decided to retain two holdover appointees: Charles E.M. Kolb as deputy undersecretary of Education for planning, budget and evaluation; and Roland R. Vautour as undersecretary of Agriculture.
    7. The president also said he has decided to retain two holdover appointees: Charles E.M. Kolb as deputy undersecretary of Education for planning, budget and evaluation; and Roland R. Vautour as undersecretary of Agriculture.
    8. Between 1977 and 1979 he was undersecretary of the Navy.
    9. Mr. Sprinkel, a consulting economist in Chicago, served in the Reagan administration as undersecretary of the treasury (1981-1985), chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers (1985-1989) and cabinet member (1987-1989).
    10. Baker called Ambassador Han Xu to his office on Saturday and the envoy was summoned back on Sunday for another talk with Robert Kimmitt, the undersecretary for political affairs, State Department spokeswoman Margaret Tutwiler said today.
    11. They are: _Bryce L. Harlow, to be a deputy undersecretary of the treasury, which would make him chief liaison between the department and Congress.
    12. A Pentagon spokeswoman said Mainichi based part of its story on Mr. Bryen's reference to a call he made on Japanese authorities in December with Fred Ikle, undersecretary of defense for policy.
    13. Ann Dore McLaughlin may keep her post as Labor secretary or get another Cabinet position, possibly Interior, where she was undersecretary from 1984 to 1987.
    14. The White House said Richard T. McCormack, the undersecretary of state for economic and agricultural affairs, will be Bush's personal representative for policy at the summit.
    15. The legal efforts in the United States were being handled by William D. Rogers, a former assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs and an undersecretary of state for economic affairs.
    16. Armacost, 52, took up his duties as U.S. envoy in Tokyo in May. He was previously undersecretary of state for political affairs and before that ambassador to the Philippines.
    17. He helped direct the first international observance of United Nations Day and was President Truman's undersecretary of labor.
    18. The Soviet, British, French and Chinese ambassadors were called to the office of Robert Kimmitt, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, to see if their governments would go along with the proposals.
    19. "They thought his agenda was quaint and odd," says W. Allen Wallis, the U.S. undersecretary of state who is the chief American summit planner.
    20. Enhancing the powers of the undersecretary of defense for acquisition _ dubbed the "acquisition czar."
    21. A cabinet minister says Mr. Salinas once lost three sets of tennis to an undersecretary, and then insisted that his opponent join him for a jog.
    22. President Bush has nominated undersecretary of state Michael Armacost to be ambassador to Japan, succeeding Mike Mansfield.
    23. Cobb, 53, of Miami, Fla., was the Commerce Department's undersecretary for travel and tourism from 1987 until this spring.
    24. "There's no crisis atmosphere, even though we're not happy about it," said Bruce Smart, undersecretary of commerce for international trade.
    25. Tim Wirth, US undersecretary of State, speaks at Washington National Press Club.
    26. The study group, headed by Bruce Smart, the Commerce Department's undersecretary for international trade, began meeting with industry executives after LTV Corp. filed for bankruptcy-law protection last July.
    27. "We believe that EEP is an important trade policy tool," said Richard T. Crowder, USDA undersecretary for international affairs and commodity programs.
    28. Dennis Kloske, undersecretary of commerce for export administration, said the more liberal rule will help reverse the "de-Americanization" trend, or the inclination of foreign manufacturers to engineer U.S. parts out of their products.
    29. But Robert Ortner, undersecretary of Commerce, warned that imports aren't likely to drop so sharply in coming months.
    30. "All in all, this is a major improvement," said John Campbell, deputy undersecretary of agriculture. "We are pleased that they are moving in this direction." The Bush administration wants a freeze on all target prices.
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