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 uncommonly   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 非常, 极其, 罕见地, 难得地, 非凡地

    [ adv ]
    a common remedy is uncommonly difficult to find

    Uncommon \Un*com"mon\, a.
    Not common; unusual; infrequent; rare; hence, remarkable;
    strange; as, an uncommon season; an uncommon degree of cold
    or heat; uncommon courage.

    Syn: Rare; scarce; infrequent; unwonted.
    -- {Un*com"mon*ly}, adv. --
    {Un*com"mon*ness}, n.

    1. He has an uncommonly straightforward demeanour, and a preference for action. Before the takeover, Hoesch's management was working on a restructuring plan called Hoesch 2000.
    2. It is a sad and commonplace tale of modern morality, but it is also an uncommonly public royal scandal: Miss Ogilvy is 24th in line to the throne, her mother being the first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II.
    3. It was well attended and well received - as indeed it deserved to be: the mixture was uncommonly lively, stimulating, even perhaps a touch troubling. The revised version of Andriessen's De Snelheid ('Velocity') was given its premiere.
    4. Some of the speeches were uncommonly blunt.
    5. I attended a pair of events last Thursday and may have been lucky, for these proved to be two uncommonly enjoyable recitals. The first was at lunchtime, a Rossini birthday programme.
    6. The exchange began when Mr. Nixon wrote to Mr. Hart shortly after his departure from the race and praised him for handling "a very difficult situation uncommonly well."
    7. The queuers were rewarded by an uncommonly enjoyable performance of some ravishing music reflecting Gounod's sudden, overwhelming love affair with the sights and sounds of Provence.
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