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 uncompleted [`ʌnkəm'plitɪd添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] 未完成的

    [ adj ]
    1. not yet finished

    2. <adj.all>
      his thesis is still incomplete
      an uncompleted play
    3. not caught or not caught within bounds

    4. <adj.all>
      an uncompleted pass

    1. Zaretsky stressed in his report that his conclusions were tentative and based on an as-yet uncompleted examination of Revco's problems.
    2. The report was believed to be the first of an Israeli intrusion into Iraqi air space since Israeli jets destroyed an uncompleted Iraqi nuclear power station in 1981.
    3. But his sentences tended to die uncompleted and sometimes he knocked on the table while talking as if to drum up thoughts.
    4. The planned sales are part of a massive, uncompleted divestiture program the company undertook after going private.
    5. In Egypt, the U.S. foreignaid effort is exemplified by funding the construction of a large public hospital in Cairo, where there already exist more than 20 uncompleted or unopened public hospitals.
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