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 tubulose 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 管的, 有管的, 管形的, 有管状小花的

    Tubulose \Tu"bu*lose`\, Tubulous \Tu"bu*lous\, a. [Cf. F.
    tubuleux. See {Tubule}.]
    1. Resembling, or in the form of, a tube; longitudinally
    hollow; specifically (Bot.), having a hollow cylindrical
    corolla, often expanded or toothed at the border; as, a
    tubulose flower.

    2. Containing, or consisting of, small tubes; specifically
    (Bot.), composed wholly of tubulous florets; as, a
    tubulous compound flower.

    {Tubulous boiler}, a steam boiler composed chiefly of tubes
    containing water and surrounded by flame and hot gases; --
    sometimes distinguished from tubular boiler.

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