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 TUC   添加此单词到默认生词本
Trades Union Congress, 英国劳工联合会议

    1. The engineers remained inside the TUC.
    2. Mr Len Murray's Trades Union Congress enjoyed direct access to the corridors of power. Now, 13 years after the winter of discontent, few members of today's TUC General Council would be recognised on a Clapham omnibus.
    3. Mr John Monks, TUC general secretary, said: 'These new maternity rights are a step in the right direction but they don't go far enough.
    4. Scottish TUC conference opens in Dundee. TUESDAY: Half-yearly update of seasonal adjustments to monetary aggregates. Financial statistics (April).
    5. The TUC has produced figures to show that equalising at 60 could be cheaper than equalising at 65 - Pounds 0.07bn, a far cry from the Pounds 3.5bn which the the government maintains equalising at the lower age would cost.
    6. But at least there shouldn't be any lack of contenders to run the new outpost, given that the TUC's domestic career opportunities look so bleak.
    7. Mr John Monks, the TUC's incoming general secretary, yesterday denied the proposed peace plan could breach the new employment law. However, from November 30 individual workers will be legally entitled to decide which union they want to join.
    8. The chancellor did not acknowledge that Denis Healey had previously inserted a lower band in the 1978 Budget at a very late stage, at the behest of the TUC, which Sir Geoffrey Howe had abolished in 1980.
    9. Although this has reprieved the NUR's automatic seat on the TUC general council by keeping the combined union above 100,000 members, the poor and undisciplined NUS has proved a tough administrative challenge since the merger.
    10. Each safety case will have to be accepted by the Health and Safety Executive. In a memorandum to the executive, the TUC said it welcomed the proposed framework for 'one of the most hazardous working environments'.
    11. The TUC says this should favour trade union representation in Britain and include full-time officials.
    12. The signs are that the TUC is at last beginning to join them.
    13. From 12m affiliated members in 1979, the TUC now has around 7.7m members today.
    14. The TUC has had to bend its hallowed rules since Monks does not take over officially from Norman Willis until the end of Congress on the Friday.
    15. Nearly two in every five workers are unaware that the government has any public-sector pay policy, a survey commissioned by the TUC reported yesterday.
    16. However, in a letter to Mr Peter Lilley, social security secretary, the TUC says that independent calculations produced for it show that the choice of 65 might cost Pounds 1.4bn.
    17. Mr Alan Tuffin, general secretary of the UCW postal workers' union and chairman of the TUC's health and safety committee, said the TUC would lobby unions throughout the EC on the issue.
    18. Mr Alan Tuffin, general secretary of the UCW postal workers' union and chairman of the TUC's health and safety committee, said the TUC would lobby unions throughout the EC on the issue.
    19. Mr Simon Jones, research officer of the Welsh TUC, said in Cardiff yesterday: 'Nearly all the big inward investment projects on greenfield sites in Wales are now single-union agreements.
    20. Inviting the Treasury's financial secretary, Stephen Dorrell, to give a speech at TUC HQ in London yesterday was but one instance. But the final nail in the coffin must surely be that the TUC has succumbed to the wiles of public relations.
    21. Inviting the Treasury's financial secretary, Stephen Dorrell, to give a speech at TUC HQ in London yesterday was but one instance. But the final nail in the coffin must surely be that the TUC has succumbed to the wiles of public relations.
    22. He is treating his first Christmas as TUC general secretary as an opportunity to reiterate the wishes of his organisation.
    23. As so often in TUC disputes, it revolves around the meaning of words.
    24. 'The AEU will merge with other unions if it does not amalgamate with us,' says Mr Paul Gallagher, EETPU general secretary elect. But if Mr Gallagher has been converted to the merger cause, he remains ambivalent about rejoining the TUC.
    25. I am determined that Ucatt will become the most open, democratic and effective union in the TUC.' THESE ARE tricky times for west European manufacturers of PVC.
    26. In a debate looking back to the past union leaders turned congress into, in Mr Monk's words, 'a bear hall' as they tore each other to bits over the return of the maverick electricians to the 'TUC family'.
    27. Though there would still be a need for the TUC to lobby the government, many trade union leaders foresee a smaller organisation than exists today.
    28. Top officials of the Trades Union Congress met Wednesday to consider what the organization's policy should be regarding controversial single-union and no-strike deals, issues which threaten to split up the TUC.
    29. The review body includes the TUC's general secretary, Norman Willis.
    30. For an hour they shouted: 'TUC get off your knees - organise a general strike'. But the general council - holding its first meeting outside London, apart from annual conferences - would have none of it.
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