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 triumphal [trai'ʌmfәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 胜利的, 凯旋的

    [ adj ]
    1. relating to or celebrating a triumph

    2. <adj.pert>
      a triumphal procession
      a triumphal arch
    3. joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success

    4. <adj.all>
      rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day
      a triumphal success
      a triumphant shout

    Triumphal \Tri*um"phal\, a. [L. triumphalis: cf. F. triomphal.]
    Of or pertaining to triumph; used in a triumph; indicating,
    or in honor of, a triumph or victory; as, a triumphal crown;
    a triumphal arch.

    Messiah his triumphal chariot turned. --Milton.

    Triumphal \Tri*um"phal\, n.
    A token of victory. [Obs.]

    Joyless triumphals of his hoped success. --Milton.

    1. To get rid of those unsightly nets and save the 150-year-old triumphal arch, Michel Marot, the architect in charge of maintaining many of France's monuments, came up with a rehabilitation plan costing 34 million francs ($5.7 million).
    2. Ballerina Suzanne Farrell, who made a triumphal return to the stage in January 1988 after a hip operation, will dance her last dance with the New York City Ballet Nov. 26.
    3. When Castro spoke about the "triumphal" attitude of President Bush because of political and economic problems facing socialism, the chief U.S. diplomat in Cuba, Jay Taylor, walked out.
    4. On the route the team will follow tomorrow on their triumphal return - win or lose - the lampposts are decked with red and white pompoms and bunting. To an outsider all this may seem excessive.
    5. The triumphal procession in "Aida" has included elephants in some productions but animals were turned down for Earl's Court.
    6. The All Blacks triumphal progress round Britain suggests that this afternoon's international will provide another demonstration of the gap between England and the top nations in the southern hemisphere.
    7. We want to demonstrate that is absolutely wrong." Authorities arrested about 1,000 Moslems today when they tried to march to the nearby town of Ayodhya, where triumphal Hindus celebrated the building of a new temple on a site claimed by both religions.
    8. The buttoned-down justification of such sponsors as Coca-Cola, Kodak, Philips, Visa and the U.S. Postal Service, is that the Games are a unique chance to link their image to the wholesome and triumphal five rings of the Olympics.
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