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 triumvirate [trai'ʌmvireit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 三执政, 三头统治, 三人执政之职

    [ noun ]
    a group of three men responsible for public administration or civil authority

    Triumvirate \Tri*um"vi*rate\, n. [L. triumviratus: cf. F.
    1. Government by three in coalition or association; the term
    of such a government.

    2. A coalition or association of three in office or
    authority; especially, the union of three men who obtained
    the government of the Roman empire.

    1. While chairman, between 1967 and 1986, he and his team were strongly criticised by a triumvirate of retired directors, including his own father and a predecessor, Bancroft Clark.
    2. It has the elegance of a modern yacht. Michael Hopkins has a triumvirate of buildings in this year's short list. Just outside Cambridge he has added to the Schlumberger research centre (an earlier FT winner).
    3. He describes it as a 'mystical, magical place - almost like the Holy Grail'. Bernstein's plan for Bethel '94 (the Woodstock name is owned by the Lang triumvirate) is to present many of the acts who performed at Woodstock.
    4. The third member of the new 'Bob 'n' Craig 'n' John' triumvirate is even more powerful if only because he holds the nation's cheque book. Since mid-1992, John Major, the prime minister, has become a central player in the Manchester bid.
    5. Oh, I suppose something could, but it might just as well be another triumvirate of annuals as perennials.
    6. Barco, of the Liberal Party, rejected Gomez's suggestion of a triumvirate, saying the armed forces would be reorganized only if necessary.
    7. Reports of death, or at least a serious wasting disease, at the English National Opera have been piling up this season, the last under the artistic triumvirate of Jonas, Elder and Pountney.
    8. The third member of the IFAR triumvirate is 10-year veteran Virgilia Heimsath Pancoast, who runs the art authentication service.
    9. Mr. Johansson will work with Mr. Scharp in a top management triumvirate that includes Lennart Ribohn, the chief financial officer.
    10. Among these local schools the Bolognese only achieved the highest distinction with the rise of the great triumvirate of the Carracci - Annibale, his brother Ludovico, and their cousin, Agostino.
    11. The all-powerful triumvirate that ruled for over a decade has departed, while the newcomers have not yet had time to put their stamp on policy.
    12. Our nominal membership of the triumvirate of world power was guaranteed by our recent record.
    13. Murray Dickman, the third member of the triumvirate, will remain on Thornburgh's staff.
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