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 trawl [trɒ:l]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拖网

vt. 用拖网捕鱼

vi. 用拖网捕鱼

[法] 海上捕鱼的大口拖网

    [ noun ]
    1. a long fishing line with many shorter lines and hooks attached to it (usually suspended between buoys)

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. a conical fishnet dragged through the water at great depths

    4. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. fish with trawlers

    2. <verb.competition>

    Trawl \Trawl\, n.
    1. A fishing line, often extending a mile or more, having
    many short lines bearing hooks attached to it. It is used
    for catching cod, halibut, etc.; a boulter. [U. S. &

    2. A large bag net attached to a beam with iron frames at its
    ends, and dragged at the bottom of the sea, -- used in
    fishing, and in gathering forms of marine life from the
    sea bottom.

    Trawl \Trawl\, v. i. [OF. trauler, troller, F. tr[^o]ter, to
    drag about, to stroll about; probably of Teutonic origin. Cf.
    {Troll}, v. t.]
    To take fish, or other marine animals, with a trawl.

    1. We trawl for shrimp all around that piling," Authement said.
    2. IMAGINE THE excitement if the team of Swedish boffins currently engaged in the most exhaustive and scientific trawl of the depths of Loch Ness, were actually to locate the famous monster.
    3. The administrators' efforts 'to trawl the marketplace' to find a buyer had consumed a lot of management time.
    4. Michael J. Bean, a lawyer for the Environmental Defense Fund, said there has been no sign that shrimpers are complying with the limited trawl times.
    5. But having made an initial trawl through its captive audience of Lloyds' customers, it may find winning new business tougher from here on.
    6. In three years' time he will keep Gray Dawes on its toes by repeating the trawl. Mr Farrell reckons that by using a specialist implant travel bureau Lloyds both saves money and operates more efficiently.
    7. Environmentalists are threatening to take the Commerce Department back to court over Secretary Robert Mosbacher's decision allowing shrimpers to abandon devices that protect endangered sea turtles in favor of regimented trawl times.
    8. Because sea turtles are air-breathers and shrimpers can trawl continuously for hours at a time, many sea turtles drown in shrimp nets, NOAA said.
    9. Nets, trawl boards, floats, crab pots, and spools of wire and rope were everywhere about.
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