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 tray [trei]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 托盘, 公文盘, 满盘, 发射箱

[化] 淋盘

[医] 盘

    [ noun ]
    an open receptacle for holding or displaying or serving articles or food

    Tray \Tray\, v. t. [OF. tra["i]r, F. trahir, L. tradere. See
    To betray; to deceive. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    Tray \Tray\, n.; pl. {Trays}. [OE. treye, AS. treg. Cf.
    1. A small trough or wooden vessel, sometimes scooped out of
    a block of wood, for various domestic uses, as in making
    bread, chopping meat, etc.

    2. A flat, broad vessel on which dishes, glasses, etc., are
    carried; a waiter; a salver.

    3. A shallow box, generally without a top, often used within
    a chest, trunk, box, etc., as a removable receptacle for
    small or light articles.

    1. Its tray liners are printed with stories about the Olympics.
    2. Sit them on a floured baking tray and set aside until shortly before serving.
    3. A chirpy young man, he helps 'the boss' start the day and can influence his mood, especially if he gets something wrong. Wherever he is, the prince appreciates familiar objects - like the drinks tray - in their usual places.
    4. To get to it, reporters were ushered through the kitchen, past tray after tray of dirty dishes, before standing in line to have security officers check their equipment.
    5. To get to it, reporters were ushered through the kitchen, past tray after tray of dirty dishes, before standing in line to have security officers check their equipment.
    6. Glaze and make steam slits. Slide the pie tins on to a pre-heated baking tray and bake at 400` F (200` C) gas mark 6 for about 30 minutes until the pastry is brown and crisp on top and set firm underneath with no hint of sogginess.
    7. But the troops hunkered down on the front lines may have to settle for tray rations, which are like prepackaged TV dinners that are heated by immersing them in boiling water.
    8. Sound is important, too: If an actress throws what is supposedly a tray of frozen fish sticks in a processing plant, they can't sound like styrofoam blocks.
    9. But pressed a bit over a sushi tray in the Village, he admits to lingering discomfort with the politicized strictures of his present genre.
    10. 'If you want opium, you can smoke it in the best company, served on a tray like afternoon tea.' Old Shanghai is remarkably intact.
    11. In the midst of a longer silence, her husband edges into the room carrying a tray of cookies and glasses of grape juice.
    12. Before each is a tray with a disposable cup, a glass of water, a paper graph and six amber bottles of rancid milk.
    13. Lay them on a sturdy baking tray.
    14. Cornell received a Bible and an engraved silver tray at a luncheon Sept. 12 during the group's annual Communications Meetings Week.
    15. She added, "He pulled a tray from under the couch." Manning testified that the tray had on it about 15 packets of cocaine in a plastic bag, with the packets marked by weight.
    16. She added, "He pulled a tray from under the couch." Manning testified that the tray had on it about 15 packets of cocaine in a plastic bag, with the packets marked by weight.
    17. On the set not as a performer but as the "craft services" supervisor, Ms. Fields spent one recent afternoon refilling the carrot-stick tray at the film's small snack table.
    18. Cover closely with well-oiled kitchen foil and bake on a baking tray at 400`F, 200`C, gas mark 6 for two hours, turning the bowl as necessary for an even tan. When the rice is cooked remove the bowl from the oven.
    19. "The surprising thing to us is although there was a lot of weathering apparent on the outside, most of that weathering was really only skin-deep," he said Wednesday, a day after the last experiment tray was removed.
    20. This stipulated that the chefs' creations must be presented on a huge silver tray, an accessory no longer used in good restaurants.
    21. "My television career blossomed into something I never expected," she said. "I never had dreams of television or an acting career." Millions saw her astride a horse in a TV commercial, carrying cologne on a tray to a waiting, handsome young man.
    22. Invert the loaf in the basket onto the baking tray.
    23. "All of a sudden there are new offensive and defensive weapons in the world," Runnels says, sitting in an office decorated with a bronze sword, a basket filled with spears and sticks, and a tray holding fossilized acorns from 2800 B.C. Greece.
    24. In the script there's a book of matches and an ash tray that say a lot.
    25. For frazzled skin, slip the pieces of meat into a hot oven on a baking tray for about 15 minutes, skin side down at first, then skin side up. Confit made with neck, heart and gizzards is fashionable served warm en salade.
    26. Phalen submerges the lung into a tray of lye.
    27. 'Bar code readers can read the code on a luggage label from any angle, including upside down, with a very high level of success and send it to the appropriate tray.
    28. When the hijackers permitted the flight attendants to serve meals, Ms. Howes said she gave Stethem a tray of food.
    29. Some set up tents in nearby cow pastures, but most come and go in glossy foreign cars, bumping down the single-lane dirt and cobbled lane after leaving their Polish brethren a little money on a silver tray.
    30. 'A good mouthful,' he added. And with that another tray of British oysters was finished.
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