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 toupee [tu'pe]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 男子假发

    [ noun ]
    a small hairpiece to cover partial baldness

    Toupee \Tou*pee"\ (?; 277), Toupet \Tou*pet"\ (?; 277), n. [F.
    toupet, dim. of OF. top a tuft; of Teutonic origin, and akin
    to E. top. See {Top} apex, and cf. {Topet}.]
    1. A little tuft; a curl or artificial lock of hair.

    2. A small wig, or a toppiece of a wig.

    Her powdered hair is turned backward over a toupee.
    --G. Eliot.

    1. "It's still an X-rated business," concedes Gene Martignetti, a toupee wearer and vice president of International Hairgoods Inc., in Minneapolis, a toupee maker.
    2. "It's still an X-rated business," concedes Gene Martignetti, a toupee wearer and vice president of International Hairgoods Inc., in Minneapolis, a toupee maker.
    3. Appearing without his toupee, the ebullient Scott kidded Garagiola about his baldness, joking from Washington, "I got a quart of Simonize I'm sending." There were no speeches and no recap by Gumbel of the show's problems.
    4. I demanded they ship me a canine toupee kit by express mail or I'd sue.
    5. "Toupee or not toupee," shouts a scrambled Hamlet in the audience.
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