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 tour [tuә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 旅游, 观光旅行, 任期

vi. 旅行, 周游, 巡回

vt. 周游, 观光, 游历, 使巡回演出

[医] 转; 转变; 倒转(胎)

    [ noun ]
    1. a journey or route all the way around a particular place or area

    2. <noun.act>
      they took an extended tour of Europe
      we took a quick circuit of the park
      a ten-day coach circuit of the island
    3. a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)

    4. <noun.time>
      it's my go
      a spell of work
    5. a period of time spent in military service

    6. <noun.time>
    [ verb ]
    1. make a tour of a certain place

    2. <verb.motion>
      We toured the Provence this summer

    Tour \Tour\, n. [F. tour. See {Tower}.]
    A tower. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    Tour \Tour\, n. [F. tour. See {Turn}, v. t.]
    1. A going round; a circuit; hence, a journey in a circuit; a
    prolonged circuitous journey; a comprehensive excursion;
    as, the tour of Europe; the tour of France or England.

    The bird of Jove stooped from his airy tour.

    2. A turn; a revolution; as, the tours of the heavenly
    bodies. [Obs.] --Blackmore.

    3. (Mil.) anything done successively, or by regular order; a
    turn; as, a tour of duty.

    Syn: Journey; excursion. See {Journey}.

    Tour \Tour\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Toured}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To make a tourm; as, to tour throught a country. --T. Hughes.

    1. Meanwhile, the circus animals are stuck in Newburgh, N.Y. The company that was transporting the animals took them there, to its headquarters, when the tour broke off after performances in just two cities.
    2. Britain today pledged to contribute to a U.S.-organized fund to share costs of the Persian Gulf operation against Iraq, and Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady called the European portion of his fund-raising tour a success.
    3. The troupe then embarks on a 20-city North American tour.
    4. A day after declaring himself to be a life-long environmentalist, the Republican nominee traveled to Massachusetts and took a boat tour of the harbor _ an event aimed at making its pollution problems an embarrassment for the governor.
    5. The English players face expulsion from international cricket for five years for taking part in the tour.
    6. Egyptian officials said the Egyptian tour guide was hurt but the driver was not.
    7. In the house, there is a staircase that is an architectural tour de force and the whole interior of the chapel is a decorative triumph. The recent history of Wardour has not been entirely happy.
    8. It was part of a world tour that began in Moscow and ends Thanksgiving day in Moscow, Idaho.
    9. With his third novel, "The Remains of the Day," the 35-year-old novelist has turned his eye on his adopted country with an imaginative tour de force built around that most British of institutions, the butler.
    10. Jagger will appear in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth on his Australian tour.
    11. The tour bus was carrying 34 children and seven adults from a private overnight camp on Sebago Lake when it careened off Maine Route 3 near the state capital, rolled down an embankment and overturned in some woods.
    12. That moral support was very important." Anderson, who plays on the current tour, has produced all of Yoakam's albums and is gaining a reputation as a producer for other recording artists.
    13. On March 31, Working Woman magazine, in cooperation with Jeep and Goodyear, will open its own mall tour.
    14. Kristofferson said he hopes the tour can eventually go overseas.
    15. Idol's publicist, Ellen Golden, said it would likely be several days before Idol knows if he'll be able to go ahead with the movie and a concert tour this summer.
    16. In what no doubt made a pleasant change from poring over economic data, two UK Treasury officials flew to Scotland earlier this year for a day's tour of whisky distilleries.
    17. The house has been part of the Garden District tour as long as the National Park Service has been giving it, he said. "This fence, they say, is the prototype for chain-link fence," he told the tourists.
    18. Prince Andrew came home Wednesday following a six-month tour of duty on a Royal Navy destroyer that rescued a boatload of Vietnamese refugees, his commanding officer said.
    19. The philharmonic tour, arranged at the invitation of the Soviet Ministry of Culture, is the first since 1976 when it was led by Erich Leinsdorf and Thomas Schippers.
    20. Jackson stayed at the hotel for two weeks as he rehearsed for his national concert tour, which began this week in Kansas City, Mo.
    21. They (the Republicans) like corporate operators." The farm owned by Jim and Mabel Reed was the Democratic nominee's first stop on a bus tour of southern Illinois and Missouri.
    22. A day later, he flew off to Japan for a 10-day tour with the orchestra, raising cries of protest, sparking letters to the editor and infuriating West Berlin officials who help bankroll the famed musicians.
    23. He won a tournament in 1984, his first year on the tour, and the next year not only won another but also led in top-10 finishes with 13, an unusual achievement for a sophomore.
    24. Secretary of State George P. Shultz took time off Sunday from his busy 10-day Latin American tour for golf and a relaxing boat ride.
    25. A group of senators back from a tour of NATO capitals said they won assurances from Reagan on Thursday that the strategic arms treaty would not be rushed through simply to have it ready for signing at the Moscow summit.
    26. Now, the two duos tour the country like old-fashioned rock acts, playing student unions and filling the 3,500-seat Hammersmith Apollo in London for four nights - at a fee of around Pounds 10,000 a night.
    27. Hermon said a condition imposed by Gilman was that Heart of Art forfeit control of the tour.
    28. I'm here to give a little encouragement to a courageous man." The weather cleared enough by midmorning for a 15-minute helicopter tour of the coast.
    29. On Sunday, the 42 Canadians also on Miss Kimelman's tour returned to the beach where she was killed for a brief memorial service.
    30. It's the life of a poker player." Concert pianist Eugene Istomin has loaded his Steinway on a van and is driving from town to town for his 1988 tour _ an unusual way for classical musicians to hit the road.
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