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 thrash [θræʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 打, 使逆行, 胜过, 推敲, 鞭打

vi. 打谷, 痛打, 剧烈扭动, 逆行

n. 打谷, (划水)鞭状动作


    Thrash \Thrash\, Thresh \Thresh\, v. t.
    1. To practice thrashing grain or the like; to perform the
    business of beating grain from straw; as, a man who
    thrashes well.

    2. Hence, to labor; to toil; also, to move violently.

    I rather would be M[ae]vius, thrash for rhymes,
    Like his, the scorn and scandal of the times.

    Thrash \Thrash\, Thresh \Thresh\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Thrashed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Thrashing}.] [OE.
    [thorn]reschen, [thorn]reshen, to beat, AS. [thorn]erscan,
    [thorn]rescan; akin to D. dorschen, OD. derschen, G.
    dreschen, OHG. dreskan, Icel. [thorn]reskja, Sw. tr["o]ska,
    Dan. t[ae]rske, Goth. [thorn]riskan, Lith. traszketi to
    rattle, Russ. treskate to burst, crackle, tresk' a crash,
    OSlav. troska a stroke of lighting. Cf. {Thresh}.]
    1. To beat out grain from, as straw or husks; to beat the
    straw or husk of (grain) with a flail; to beat off, as the
    kernels of grain; as, to thrash wheat, rye, or oats; to
    thrash over the old straw.

    The wheat was reaped, thrashed, and winnowed by
    machines. --H. Spencer.

    2. To beat soundly, as with a stick or whip; to drub.

    1. After a private hourlong meeting, the two men agreed on the $106-a-share price at 1 a.m. Later Saturday morning, the two companies began to thrash out the details of the agreement.
    2. But one London trader suggested this week that the recent price recovery might encourage delegates to redouble their efforts to thrash out an accord.
    3. They thrash about and try to run away, but their thinking at this moment isn't completely clear.
    4. Negotiators for the Senate and the House, which had passed a defense spending bill earlier, will meet to thrash out a final version, with an aim to wrap up the legislation by week's end before Congress adjourns for the year.
    5. His account of Rakhmaninov's second symphony was beautiful, profoundly persuasive (the work can easily become a romantic thrash) and, in its slow movement, quite overwhelming.
    6. In The Cathouse, favoured for its shorts-clad Filipino girls, I watched New Zealanders thrash Canadians at the pool table.
    7. Some of the kids thrash from side to side.
    8. The participant said the 50-member network council would meet Wednesday night to thrash out a position paper entitled "There Is a Way Out," which reflects the network's views on how to solve Hungary's current problems.
    9. The meeting is billed as the first of a series of informal gatherings to thrash out issues such as food production and safety, trade restrictions and export subsidies.
    10. He proposed that financial advisers of the two concerns thrash out the issue.
    11. Both are widely seen as progenitors of the funk-influenced thrash genre, although San Francisco musicians distance themselves from such bands.
    12. "The whole idea is that we thrash out these things," he said.
    13. In the shorter term, Mr Etherington intends to convene a panel of charity chief executives in the spring to thrash out a set of immediate strategic priorities.
    14. But his staff continued to try to blunt public expectations that the powerful Bentsen would thrash the less experienced Quayle.
    15. At a total cost of Pounds 275,000, Power bought it from the brewery owner, put in a stage and lavatories, and extended capacity to accommodate the city's enthusiastic 'thrash' rock aficionados.
    16. Where else on radio would you find a series of teen-romance dramas? In today's opener Julie's retro punk boy friend, who plays guitar in a thrash band, fails to gain approval from her parents.
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